Five Mistakes That Caught A Killer

AfterEffects, Post production

Five Mistakes That Caught A Killer

Motion tracking

Documentary series featuring notorious cases, reveal how key pieces of evidence have brought killers to justice. On this project I was commisioned by Channel 5 to create several Post production Aftereffects clips. For the first episode I designed labels and mapped onto drone footage using motion tracking and image stabilization.

Five Mistakes That Caught A Killer, Harold Shipman, Levi Bellfield

Transitions, corner pinning

The second part of this commission focused on creating transitions which blended photographs on a 'Murder map' to television footage.

Five Mistakes That Caught A Killer

Image superimposition

On the final scene of the Levi Bellfield episode, the name plaque on the bench was blurry on the origial shot. An image was mapped onto the bench, scaled up, and using image stabalistion and motion tracking the clarity of the image was increased.
Watch Five Mistakes That Caught A Killer here.

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